Notices – Page 91 – Surendranath Evening College

Identity Card Notification

Uploaded on November 17, 2017

Extended date of Submission of College Identity card form for B.A, B.Sc & B.Com Part-I (Hons/Gen.) Session 2017-2018 regular candidates only. No candidates shall be entertained after the expiry of the above mentions dates. As per schedule date & time. Time of form submission : 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m Date. Stream/Sec. Disciple./Roll NO. 27.11.2017… Continue reading Identity Card Notification

Class Start Notice for 1st Year

Uploaded on July 15, 2017

The newly admitted students of 1st year are hereby informed that their classes will start from Wednesday, August 16, 2017. Beside this, there is an introductory class on 20/07/2017.

Notice inviting Quotations

Uploaded on November 24, 2015

The college invites Sealed Quotations indicating the rate from the reputed farms/ organisations experienced in making the following items :- Computer Table with space for setting CPU, UPS, Key Board &Mouse For college Computer Laboratory: Computer Table: Size 16’ x 1’6’’ x 2’6” –2sides , 15’ x 1’6” x 2’6” , 17’ x 1’6’ x… Continue reading Notice inviting Quotations


Uploaded on June 20, 2015

Applications are invited for the post of Guest Lecturer in the department of Political Science, Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, Geography, History and Commerce payable @ Rs. 200/- per class taken basis. Maximum age limit 40 years as on 01. 04. 2015. Qualification required as per UGC norms. Apply through Registered post / Speed Post only to… Continue reading EMPLOYMENT NOTICE NO.SNEC/01/2015