Check list of B.A. (General) male and female backlog candidates semester-I
Check list of B.A. (General) Male and Female regular canidates semester-I
Check list of B.A. (Hons.) male and female backlog candidates semester-I
Check list of B.A. (Hons.) Male and Female Regular Candidates for Semester-I
Check list of B.Com (General) female backlog candidates semester-I
Check list of B.COM (General) female regular candiates of semester-I
Check list of B.Com (General) male backlog candidates semester-I
Check list of B.COM (General) male regular candidates semester-I
Check list of B.COM (Hons) Female regular canidates semester-I
Check list of B.Com (Hons.) female backlog candidates semester-I
Check list of B.Com (Hons.) male backlog candidates semester-I
Check list of B.COM (Hons.) male regular candidates semester-I
Check list of B.Sc (General) male and female backlog candidates semester-I
Check list of B.SC (General) male and female regular candiates semester-I
Check list of B.Sc (Hons. ) Male and female backlog candidates semester-I
Check list of B.Sc (Hons.) male and female regular candidates semester-I