Dr. Monojit Dutta |
Assistant Professor |
Commerce Department |
Email ID : |
AREA OF RESEARCHCapital Market, Macro Economics, Insurance Sector and Indian automobile sector.
AREA OF INTERESTCapital Market, Macro Economics, Insurance Sector and Indian automobile sector.
- (Nov 2022) “Privatization, Performance and Efficiency: A Study on Selected Indian Companies” pp: 275-283 Contemporary Issues in Business Education.
- (August 2021) “Corporate Social Responsibility in Indian Banking Sector”. (pp. 40-53) Brain Bloomers
- (August 2021) “An empirical study on the slowdown of Indian automobile industry from the buyers’ perspective. In Business Economy and Society in VUCA world. (pp. 215-232) Red’shine.
- (2021) “Impact of Foreign Fund Flows on Sensex: Evidence from India” pp-59-68, Indian Accounting Review, ISSN:0972-1754
- (2021) “Impact of Foreign Fund Flows on Volatile Indian Stock Market” Asian Journal of Managerial Science, pp:28-32, ISSN: 2249-6300
- (March 2021). “Impact of COVID-19 on the rise of OTT Platforms in India”. In Chakraborti et.al (Eds.), the proceedings of the international conference on interdisciplinary research in technology and management (pp. 637-642). CRC Press.
- (2020) “A Study on Consumer Behaviour towards Organic Food Products in Kolkata City” Journal of Critical Reviews, pp: 3045-3052, ISSN-2394-5125.
- (2020) “Indian Multiplex Market: The Growth of Inox Leisure”, International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing. Vol. 13 No. 1s, pp. 298-308, ISSN- 2005-4262.
- (2019) “A Comparative analysis of priority and Non-priority sector NPAs of Indian Public and Private sector Bank”, Think India Journal (Multi-Disciplinary), pg: 13391-13407, ISSN-0971-1260.
- (April 2018) “A Study on Financial Futures” National Seminar on Sustainable Innovation in Business and Commerce, organized by Department of Commerce, J.D.Birla Institute with ISBN Print: 978-93-5311-272-1.
- (2018) “Share Price Behaviour around Stock Buyback: A Study With Respect To India after the Financial Meltdown Of 2008-2009”, International Journal of Exclusive Management Research, Pg: 94-99, ISSN Print 2249-8672 and online ISSN 2249-2585.
- (September 2017) “Factors Affecting Consumer Buying Behaviour of Health Insurance: A Study with Respect to Kolkata” National Conference on Dynamics of Global Business Environment: Issues and Challenges, organized by Department of Commerce, J.D.Birla Institute with ISBN: 978-93-5268-711-4.
- UGC- sponsored One-Day National Conference on “Redefining Business Vision: Issues and Challenges”, organized by Department of Commerce and Business Administration St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata, in collaboration with Department of Commerce, University of Calcutta held on 19th March,2016.
- UGC- sponsored One-Day National Symposium on “Overcoming Challenges for Sustainable Corporate Excellence” organized by Department of Commerce and Business Administration St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata, with support from Indian Council of Social Science Research [ICSSR] held on 21st March 2015.
- UGC-sponsored Two-Day International Conference on “Innovation Business Practices in VUCA World ” organized by Department of Commerce and Business Administration St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata, in collaboration with Department of Commerce, University of Calcutta held on 5th and 6th January,2018.
- One-Day National Seminar on “GST and Startups: India in the making” organized by The Institute of Cost Accountant Of India in association with Indian Accounting Association on 22nd October,2016
- One-Day National Seminar on “Corporate Governance and Prof. G.D.Roy Memorial Lecture” organized by Indian Accounting Association Research Foundation jointly with ICAI on 8th July,2017
- Two-Day National Seminar on “Current Trends in Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis” organized by Department of Science & Commerce J.D.Birla.Institute held on 27th and 28th January, 2017.
- Two-Day National Conference on “Dynamics of Global Business Environment: Issues and Challenges” organized by Department of Commerce J.D.Birla.Institute held on 27th and 28th January, 2017.
- Two-Day National Seminar on “Sustainable Innovations in Business and Commerce” organized by Department of Commerce J.D.Birla.Institute held on 19th and 20th April, 2018.
- Three-Day National Level Workshop on “Financial Derivatives- Pricing, Hedging and Trading” organized by Economics Department, Presidency University held on February 3-6, 2018.
ACHIEVEMENTS2021: Best Paper Award in an International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research In Technology & Management.
2021: Best Presenter Award in an International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research In Technology & Management.
2023: Co-author of the book Dynamic Financial Accounting-I
2024: Co-author of the book Dynamic Cost Accounting-I