Dr. Kalpita Ray |
Assistant Professor |
Economics Department |
Email ID : raykalpita.snec@gmail.com |
TEACHING EXPERIENCE9 years (4.5 years as Guest faculty at UG level in Bangabasi College, Kolkata and 3.6 years as part-time faculty at UG and PG level in Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata). Currently working as an Assistant Professor in Surendranath Evening College at UG level since October, 2023.
AREA OF RESEARCHIndustrial Economics and Trade Policy
AREA OF INTERESTIndustrial Economics and Trade Policy
Ray K. (2024), “Economic Development and Artificial Intelligent”, in Issues in Indian Economic Development- Trends, Effects, Challenges and Measures (ed) Jafor Ali Akhan, Kalpita Ray, Urmila Sen, Published by Rohini Nandan, Kolkata. ISBN: 978-81-19574-48-3.
Ray K. (2024), “Capital Structure and Profitability of Indian Computer Firms”, in Contemporary Issues in International Trade: Challenges and Opportunities(ed) Rajib Bhattacharyya and Debashis Majumdar, published by Emerald Publishing, UK. ISBN: 978-1-83797-321-7.
Ray K. (2022), “A Theoretical Overview on Child Trafficking”, in Child Stake (ed) Sanchari Roy Mukherjee, Soma Ghosh, Sonali Mukherjee, Published by New Delhi Publishers, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-93-93878-62-5.
Ray K. (2021): “Global economic institution and income inequality: Special focus on Information Technology Agreement of World Trade Organisation and Indian Computer Industry” in Social Governance Equity and Justice (ed) Mohammad Irfan & Dr. Puja Kansra, Published by Wizard Publishers, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-93-91013-07-3.
Ray K. (2021) “Impact of Information Technology Agreement of World Trade Organisation on the performance of Indian Computer Industry”, in Prestige International Journal of Management and Research, 12(1) ISSN: 0974-6080.
Ray K. Dasgupta B. (2020): “Firm Level Cost Efficiency Of The Indian Computer Industry In The Retro Of Tariff Rationalization” ,Arthabeekshan, ISSN 0972-1185.
Sanyal S. and Ray K. (2020): “Coronavirus impact on Indian Economy” in TORMENT 2020 A WAKE UP CALL, Vol-1 published by PEN ACCLAIMS, ISBN 9798648198081.
Ray K. and B. Dasgupta (2017) “Market Structure of the Indian Computer Industry and Cynicism Layoff” in International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 6(12), pp. 60-64. ISSN: 2319-8028.
Ray K. and N. Datta (2015) “ Competition in Indian Telecommunication Sector after Liberalization: An Empirical Evaluation” in Research Issues in Applied Economics (ed) Dr. Kakali Mazumdar, Dr. Pabitra Kumar Jena, published by McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, New Delhi, pp. 241-253, ISBN (13):978-93-392-2429-5.
Ray K. and S. Chisti (2015) “An Enquiry into the Status of Muslim Women Empowerment in India” in Women Empowerment in India: Challenges Ahead (ed) Debashis Mazumdar, Pushpita Sarkar, Udayan Bandyopadhyay, Lopamudra Sengupta, published by Naba Ballygunge Mahavidyalaya, pp. 265-272, ISBN No. 978-81-923645-7-5.
Ray K. and S. Chisti (2015) “Challenges of Muslim Women Empowerment in West Bengal: An Overview ” in State of Health, Education and Women: Glimpses of Rural India (ed) Pranab Kumar Chattopadhyay and Daya Shankar Kushwaha , published by Renu Publishers, pp. 11-22, ISBN No.978-81-85502-00-7.
Ray K. and S. Chisti (2014) “Understanding the Challenges of Women Empowerment in Indian Muslim Societies” in International Journal of Scientific Research, 3(12), pp. 72-74 ISSN: 2277-8179.
Presented a paper titled “The Nexus Between Exchange rate and Economic Growth of India” in ICSSR- ERC Sponsored 44th Annual Conference, 2024 of Bangiya Arthaniti Parishad organized by BEA and Kalimpong College on 3-4th May, 2024.
Presented a paper titled “A Non-linear Bivariate Approach to Check Volatility of Exchange rate on Trade balance of India” in ICSSR sponsored Conference on Different Dimensions of Development Economics and its Shifting Paradigms , jointly organized by The Heritage College, Kolkata and Ramkrishna Mission Vidyamandira on the 22-23rd February, 2024.
- Presented a paper titled “De-Dollarisation Threshold to Rupeefication” in ICSSR sponsored National Conference on ’75 years of Post Independence Indian Economy and Its Regional Dimensions’ , organized by Goenka College of Commerce and Business Administration , Kolkata on the 8th December 2023.
- Acted as Resource Person on 2nd October , 2021 in an Invited Lecture on "Classical Approach to International Trade” organized by Department of Economics in association with IQAC Cell , Sabang Sajanikanta Mahavidyalaya, Sabang, Paschim Medinipore, West- Bengal.
- Presented a paper titled “A study on Export Propensity of Indian Computer Industry under Information Technology Agreement” in International Conference ‘Challenges and Prospects in Management in VUCA World’ organized by SIBM Nagpur on 16- 17th February, 2021.
- Presented a paper titled “ An Economic Repercussion on Indian public Sector Banks under COVID-19 Scenario ” in International Conference ‘ Challenges and Prospects in Management in VUCA World’ organized by SIBM Nagpur on 16- 17th February, 2021.
Presented a paper titled “ Impact of Information Technology Agreement of World Trade Organisation on the Performance of Indian Computer Industry” in XV International Conference on Rethinking Business Strategies , Entrepreneurial challenges & Social Values In a Changed Global Scenario organized by Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Gwalior held during January 30-31, 2021.
Presented a paper titled “Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan in the Context of Institutional Transcendentalism” in a virtual conference of Annual E Conference On Management organized by School of Management, NIT Rourkela held on 29-30th December, 2020.
- Presented a paper titled “Economic Repercussion in Indian Banking Sectors During COVID-19 Scenario" in TEQIP –III sponsored E- International Conference on Socio Economic and Health Challenges due to COVID-19 and Mitigation Strategies (SEHCM-2020) organized by the Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, held during October 22-23, 2020.
- Presented a paper titled “Profitability of Indian Computer Industry in retro of Information Technology Agreement” in a virtual conference of 2nd international scholar’s conference organized by Executive Education & Professional Development (EEPD) Unit, Universiti Utara Malaysia 2020 (ISCUUM 2020) held on 28th -29th September, 2020.
- Presented a paper titled “A Critical Analysis of Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan in the context of institutional Transcendentalism for workmen” in the Two-Day International Webinar on “Issues and Challenges of Sustaining Civil Rights, Education and Economy”, organized by Department of Commerce & B.Voc (Software Development) of EGRA S.S.B. College in collaboration with NAV-BANDHAN held on 25th (4 hrs.) and 26(6 hrs.) of July, 2020.
- Presented a paper titled “Economic Imbalances during COVID 19 Scenario and Role of Banks ” in the National Webinar and Panel Discussion on Modern Banking Services in India organized by University School of Law and Legal Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi on 11th-12th of June, 2020.
Presented a paper titled “Firm level cost efficiency of the Indian Computer Industry In the Retro of Tariff Rationalization” in the 40th Annual National Conference of Bangiya Arthaniti Parishad organized by the Department of Economics, Bethune College, Kolkata, held at Bethune College during 29th February, 2020 and 1st March, 2020.
Participated in a Workshop on “Birth and Development of Modern Science in India” held during 22nd to 26th April' 2019 at the Asiatic Society, Kolkata.
Participated in a training activity on “Distance learning: Promoting better labour market outcomes for youth in the BRICS and beyond” organized by International Labour Organisation (ILO), from 04.03.2019 to 29.03.2019.
Presented a paper titled “Women Empowerment: A notion to fight against cancer in India” in the International Seminar on “Empowerment of Women in India: From the Perspectives of attaining Gender Parity and Social Justice”, organized by department of Political Science, Philosophy and Economics in collaboration with IQAC, Sabang Sajanikanta Mahavidyalaya on 16th March, 2018.
Presented a paper titled “Market Structure of the Indian Computer Industry and Dejection Layoff” in the19th National Seminar on “Digital Marketing: an extension of Marketing Infrastructure” organized by Srusti Academy of Management, Bhubaneswar, Odisha on 9th September, 2017.
Presented a paper titled “ An Enquiry in the optimal production level of the Indian computer Industry” in National conference on “ Issues in Economic Development” organized by the Department of Economics, University of Kalyani, Nadia on 22nd March, 2017.
Presented a paper titled “ Competition In Indian Telecommunication Sector After Liberalisation: An Empirical Evaluation” in ICSSR Sponsored International Conference on “Shifting Paradigms in Applied Management” organized by Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu & Kashmir during August 1-2, 2014.
Presented a paper titled “The Problem and Prospect of Muslim Women Empowerment In India” in UGC Sponsored National Level Seminar on “Women Empowerment in India Challenges Ahead” organized by The Departments of Economics & Political Science, Bangabasi College In Collaboration with The Department of Economics, Naba Ballygunge Mahavidyalaya, Kolkata on 21st September, 2014.
Presented a paper titled “Trends in GDP and Employment Growth in India during the period of Liberalisation” in UGC Sponsored Seminar on “EMERGING ISSUES IN THE INDIAN ECONOMY” organized by Department of Economics, Rabindra Bharati University during March 25-26, 2010.
EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES2017: Qualified as a black belt Karate player in ' Goju ryu' style.
2024: Winner of Best Research Paper Presentation Award in ICSSR sponsored Conference on Different Dimensions of Development Economics and its Shifting Paradigms jointly organised by The Heritage College, Kolkata and Ramkrishna Mission Vidyamandira, Belur Math.
2021: Author of a book titled " Information Technology Agreement and Indian Computer Industry" ISBN: 978-93-88866-57-6.
2021: Winner of Best Research Paper Presentation Award in the Information Technology Track at the XV International Conference on Rethinking Business Strategies , Entrepreneurial challenges & Social Values In a Changed Global Scenario organized by Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Gwalior ,Madhya Pradesh.