Mr. Bikash Kumar Rabidas |
Assistant Professor |
Commerce Department |
Email ID : |
- Ph.D. (Commerce) Pursuing from Department of Commerce, University of Calcutta
- UGC-NET (Commerce) in June 2019 from National Testing Agency
- D.El.Ed. (Elementary Education) in 2019 from B. M. G. Sponsored. HS School, National Institute of Open Schooling (1st Class)
- M. Com. (Accounting & Finance) in 2019 from Dept. of Commerce, Netaji Subhas Open University (1st Class with Rank 1)
- B.Com. (Hons. in Accounting & Finance) in 2017 from Goenka College of Commerce & B.A. under the University of Calcutta (1st Class)
- Higher Secondary Examination (Commerce) in 2014 from S.D.M.P. Vidyalaya under WBCHSE (1st Div)
- Secondary Examination in 2012 from New National High School under WBBSE (1st Div)
RESIDENTIAL ADDRESSSuren Sarkar Road, Beleghata, Kolkata - 700010
AREA OF INTERESTAccounting, Financial Market, Commerce Education
PUBLICATIONS(2022). “Internet and Education with particular reference to Commerce Stream during COVID-19 Pandemic: A study in Kolkata”, Contemporary Issues in Accounting Finance and Management, Dept. of Commerce, Netaji Nagar Day College (ISBN: 978-81-956899-1-0). 174-187.
- (July, 2021). ”The Challenges Before the Learners of ODL Mode of Education: A Study in India”, Time’s Journey (ISSN: 2278-6546). 10(2), 48-57.
- (April, 2021). “The Challenges before the Learners of Commerce Education: A Study in Kolkata”, GIS SCIENCE JOURNAL. (ISSN: 1869-9391). 8(4), 1227-1241.
- (Feb, 2021). “Impact of COVID-19 on FMCG Sector- An Empirical Study in India”, GIS SCIENCE JOURNAL. (ISSN: 1869-9391). 8(2), 424-434.
- (Jan, 2021). "Univariate Models in Research Work: Introductory Issues”, International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods (ISSN: 2455-6211). 9(1), 2079-2089.
- (Jan, 2018). "Project Writing and its Wings: Various Outlooks”, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (ISSN: 2320-2882). 6(1), 376-387.
SEMINAR & SYMPOSIAWorkshops, Seminars & Conferences attented/ participated
- Two-Day Online Workshop on "Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis" organized by Marketing Management Programme, Xavier Institute of Soacial Service, Ranchi on 25th November and 2nd December 2022.
- One-Day State Level Seminar on "Commerce Education and its Effectiveness in Technology Enabled Pedagogy in Post Pandemic" organized by Department of Commerce, School of Professional Studies, Netaji Subhash Open University on 10th December 2022.
- One Week National Workshop on "Research Methods using SPSS" in online mode organized by Swami Vivekananda University in collaboration with SPSS South Asia during 6th-10th February 2023.
- Three Day's National Workshop on "Structured Equation Modelling using AMOS" in online mode organised by School of Management, Swami Vivekananda University in collaboration with SPSS South Asia during 27th-29th July 2023.
- National Level Faculty Development Program on "Research Methods and Techniques" organised by IQAC and Research Cell of Ghanshyamdas Saraf College of Arts and Commerce in collaboration with Department of Commerce, University of Mumbai from 28th August to 2nd september 2023.
- Fourteen-Days Online National Faculty Development Program on "Research Methodology" organized by Indian Accounting Association- South Bengal Branch and Angad Dev Malaviya Mission Teachers Training Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi during 1st September to 1st October 2023.
- National Seminar and Prof. A. K. Basu Sixth Memorial Lecture organized by Commerce Alumni Association, University of Calcutta in collaboration with Department of Commerce, University of Calcutta and the Institute of Cost Accountants of India on 7th October 2023.
- 1-Day AI Tools Workshop conducted by BE10X on 22nd October 2023.
- 3rd International Conference on "Business Innovation Practices and Sustainability in the VUCA World" organized by St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Kolkata in collaboration with University of Calcutta, India and the Islamic University, Bangladesh during 25-26 November 2023.
- International Workshop on "AI Tools for research writing" through online padagogy organized by Manuscriptpedia, Kanyakumari on 13th and 14th April 2024.
Presented Research Papers in Seminars & Conferences
- Presented paper titled "Consumers' Perception towards Green Banking Services offered by Public Sector Banks : Study in an around Kolkata" in One Day National Seminar on "Implementation of NEP 2020: Issues and Challenges" organized by IQAC, Dr. Gaur Mohan Roy College in association with Indian Accounting Association, Kolkata, RMVC College, Rahara & Bethuadahari College on 20th January 2024.
- Qualified UGC-NET Examination in June 2019
- Qualified C-TET Examination in July 2019
- Qualified WB-TET Examination in 2016
- Secured Rank 1 in M.Com batch 2017-19