EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONM.Sc., Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur) RESIDENTIAL ADDRESSKolkata, India. TEACHING EXPERIENCEJoined as Lecturer in 2001, Associate Prof. since 2013, Visiting guest lectureship tenures (UG/PG) at IISER Kolkata, Calcutta University, RKMRC College Narendrapur and Surendranath College; Presently also conducting an add-on course on "How to build android apps for mobile devices".
SPECIALIZATIONElectronic Science, Computational Chemical Physics AREA OF RESEARCHComputational Chemical Physics, Educational Technology, E-learning in Science and Engineering, Remote-Labs using mobile devices AREA OF INTERESTWeb based e-learning in Science and Engineering, E-learning objects for Android devices PUBLICATIONSClick to view updated list of publications E-learning objects have been developed for mobile devices:
SEMINAR & SYMPOSIA2022 IEEE Region 10 (Asia Pacific) Symposium (TENSYMP), IIT Mumbai, 2022 IEEE Region 10 (Asia Pacific) Symposium (TENSYMP), IIT Mumbai, doi: 10.1109/TENSYMP54529.2022.9864424. IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC), Mumbai, India, 2020, doi: 10.1109/IBSSC51096.2020.9332211 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON), New Delhi, India, 2020, doi: 10.1109/INDICON49873.2020.9342143 IEEE 7th Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON), Prayagraj, India, 2020, 10.1109/UPCON50219.2020.9376531 IEEE India Council International Subsections Conference (INDISCON), Visakhapatnam, India, 2020, 10.1109/INDISCON50162.2020.00043 International Conference on Systems and Processes in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (ICSPPCB-2018), Assam University, Silchar, India, March 1-3 2018 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I), Noida, 2016, doi: 10.1109/IC3I.2016.7918059 International Conference on E-learning in the Workplace, Columbia University, New York, June 9 to 11, 2010 RESEARCH ACTIVITIESREFRESHERS & ORIENTATION COURSESEXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIESACHIEVEMENTS |
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